Prescribed burning is planned on the north side of Phillips Lake near Sumpter, Oregon, starting at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday 4/15 and, if conditions allow, also on Friday 4/16.
Following a test burn near the boat ramp east of Union Creek Campground, crews plan to work their ways east and west, between the lakeshore and Hwy 7. Ignition operations will be carefully monitored by fire personnel to protect facilities within the Union Creek Campground and beyond.
Fire managers anticipate favorable weather and fuel conditions that will limit smoke in Baker City and Sumpter, while allowing firefighters to achieve desired burn objectives. However, some smoke will likely work its way down the Powder River valley as temperatures cool in the evenings. Smoke will be clearly visible from Hwy 7, so motorists are advised to drive with extra caution due to the potential for limited visibility and increased traffic.
Fire managers plan to complete over 500 acres on Thursday and over 400 acres on Friday.
Check out the Tri-Forest Prescribed Fire Map for more information about planned treatment areas:
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